
Retrieve a Certificate Signing Requests from cPanel – SSL

Retrieve a Certificate Signing Requests from cPanel - SSL

If you generated your Certificate Signing Request (CSR) from cPanel and forgot your CSR, then you can retrieve your CSR. Only follow this tutorial if a CSR was generated from cPanel.

1.Β Log into your cPanel account.

2.Β In theΒ SecurityΒ section, click on theΒ SSL/TLSΒ icon.


3.Β Under the Certificate Signing Request, click onΒ Generate, View or Delete CSRΒ link.


4.Β UnderΒ Certificate Signing Requests on ServerΒ text, you can see your previously generated CSR. You can see theΒ EditΒ andΒ DeleteΒ options under theΒ ActionΒ option.


5.Β Click on theΒ EditΒ option, which is located under theΒ ActionΒ option.


6.Β Copy your CSR code, which is located under theΒ Encoded CSR:Β text.
Copy the code from



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