
Generate a Certificate Signing Request in cPanel – SSL

Generate a Certificate Signing Request in cPanel - SSL

For obtaining a certificate from a Trusted SSL Provider, the Certificate Signing Request (CSR) is required. You can generate a Certificate Signing Request in cPanel from your cPanel. CSR is also needed for self-signed SSL certificates.


1.Β Log into your cPanel account.

2.Β In theΒ SecurityΒ section, click on theΒ SSL/TLSΒ icon.


3.Β Under Certificate Signing Request, Click onΒ Generate, View or Delete CSRΒ Link.

4.Β Scroll down and enter the following details:

  • Domains:Β Enter your domain name like www.example.com (Domains with www will cover both non-www and www domains)
  • City:Β Your city name
  • State:Β Your state name Country: Choose your country name from the drop-down menu.
  • Company:Β Your Company name or leave it blank.
  • Company Division:Β Name of your company division.
  • Email:Β Enter your email address of domain like support @ example.com
  • Passphrase:Β Enter a passphrase (Maximum of 20 characters) and do not use special characters.


5.Β Finally, click on theΒ Generate button. Now you will generate a Certificate Signing Request in cPanel – CSR , and you need to copy the CSR code and save it to your PC. You can use your CSR while purchasing an SSL or reissuing an SSL in the future.